Friday, April 7, 2023

::1.1:: And They Were Roommates

Down in the bayou of a brand-new Twinbrook, there's a residence the locals call the Birdhouse. No one knows how long it's had that namemost believe that's been its title since the town's inception.

Though stilts protect it from the shallow floods that occasionally swell out of the surrounding swamps, the house is small, on the outskirts of town, andwell, surrounded by swamps. For most, it's not an ideal location, and thus has sat empty for as long as anyone cares to remember.

When two new residents arrive to the town looking for a place to stay, without much to offer in return, one city hall employee knows exactly where to put them.

The two women don't know each other at all. They both just so happened to arrive to town on the same day, at the same time, with the same unfortunate financial circumstances. The city hall employee had recommended they pool their resources, and neither of them could think of a better option.

Names and pleasantries are exchanged.

Staci Beck (nervous but friendly),

and Shari Yue (unfortunate victim of RBF.)

Staci is a witch, she warns Shari, though she promises her type of magic won't cause any trouble. 

Shari doesn't care what her housemate is, so long as they don't leave wet towels on the bathroom floor.

(The city hall employee hearing this, however, seems even more eager to help them purchase the remote property.)

With the exception of kitchen and bathroom necessities, the Birdhouse comes unfurnished, so the two spend the last of their meager savings on a table and some chairs, a bookshelf, and color-coded sleeping bags. Though they could've possibly afforded some cheap beds, the single-room shack doesn't have the space.

They also permit themselves one personal-choice item each. Shari, who came to Twinbrook to pursue architecture, indulges in a drafting table. Staci picks out a pretty floor lamp (not pictured), to give the place the beginnings of personal touch.

"I didn't really come here with a plan," she confesses over their first breakfast together. "It's the tradition of our coven for the young adults born into it to strike out on their own. I wish I already knew my path as well as you do."

"I don't think I'm as put-together as you think I am," Shari shrugs. "I just kind of chose something and am going with it. Do you think your path could lead you back to your coven, eventually?"

Staci remains thoughtfully silent for a moment. There's the faintest furrow in her brow. She almost looks confused.

"No," she says finally, "I don't think it will."

Twinbrook is a nice little town, in any case. And despite its size, the Birdhouse is functional, secure, and cozy. Neither are in any hurry to leave.

Staci can tell some of the other residents are wary to have a witch in town, and that makes her appreciate her new housemate's nonchalance even more. Shari can't give any particular reason as to why it doesn't bother hershe hasn't met a witch before, she says. The idea of magic just doesn't faze her.

Staci comes to find that Shari is unfazed by most things. 

The low creaking of the house during a midnight storm, for example,

or the small smokey explosions that plague their cheap oven. 

Things that have Staci curling up in a corner, Shari can either ignore or face head-on with ease.

It turns out that not all the other residents are perturbed by Staci's witchhood. A week or so after their arrival, Becky Baker knocks on the door with Marc Brandtostensibly as a neighborly welcome wagon, but actually with a proposal.

"Your guys' moving in is, like, so serendipitous," Becky gushes. "I just started a new business and your little witch friend would be a perfect addition to the team."

Marc, who seems to have tagged along with genuine welcome wagon intentions, nods along in confusion.

Shari frowns. "Staci is not a 'little witch,' and you can talk to her yourself about that."

"Fortune telling?" Staci echoes, after being coaxed out from her hiding place behind the bathroom door. "I'm just a witch, not a psychic."

Becky, momentarily distracted by the bad-boy-hottie she suddenly realized was standing next to her, turns back to Staci with a wink. "Neither am I, girlie. I'm not asking you to actually see anyone's future. I'm just asking you to help me sell it!"

Marc Brandt toys with the bouquet in his hands awkwardly.

With a little more persuading from Becky, Staci agrees to the job offer. It doesn't pay much, but it's something.

Besides, it isn't fair for Shari to be supporting them both with her entry-level design commissions.

It's also simple: promote the business using her magic. Her magic is real, which will give the fortunes credibility by association (Becky's logic.)

As a final incentive bonus, Becky sets up the fortune telling wagon in the swamps, conveniently close to the Birdhouse.


Oh my god they were roommates...

The first official chapter of the legacy! I've never played much in Twinbrook before. I'm enjoying the setting so far.

Staci Beck and Shari Yue's names were randomized in-game, so the similarities are just a weird accident. As always, the rolls page of this blog will contain minor spoilers, but if you want to see what I'm working with I have them listed there.

Thanks for reading!

Prologue: A Romance of Many Dimensions


The frightening contraption lets out a high, droning beep. 

The doors slide open with a sigh of steam.

"Well, the system didn't flag you," says the alien. "That means you're probably good to go."

Toma looks up, carefully lowering her shaking hand from her face. Her voice trembles in equal measure. "Probably?"

Her home has been hijacked, overrun by these bug-eyed creeps. The town outside is eerily quiet, save the occasional, spine-chilling hum of their ships passing overhead. 

Her fiancee has been taken, and her brother— 

The alien sighs. "Normally, if the system didn't flag you, we'd move you out with the rest. But given the situation with your brother"

Toma stiffens.

"there's some disagreement about what to do with you. With anyone who has connections to the... outlaws."

"I don't know anything about his group," she whispers. "I didn't know about any of this."

The alien sinks onto the couch. "Be that as it may, unfortunately he brought all of this to you."

Still shaking, Toma takes a seat as well, wishing she could bring herself to say something in his defense.

"Your brother is an incredible sim," the alien continues. "In a way, he's the perfect example of what I love about your kind. But he's also very misguided. What he's done is beyond what any of us thought sims were capable ofbut regardless of his abilities, there is nothing for any of you outside this place. We're only trying to correct the mistakes he's made. To keep as many of you as we can safe."

"Are you saying it's his fault you're here? The space ships? The aliens?"

"As I said before, we aren't simple aliens. We aren't from 'outer space.' We're from somewhere far beyond that. We're Overseers."

Toma gives a shaky, incredulous laugh, because the name is so ridiculous. Then she's cut short by a spike of fear. "Far beyond what?" 

She's never been one for science or technologythat was her brother's thing. But maybe if she had tried to understand, she would've known

"A higher dimension, Toma."

The alienthe Overseer?remains patient. Though she can't look directly into its unblinking, voidish eyes, she sees a crease in its brow she identifies as empathy. "It's a place sims can't fully comprehend, even those like your brother. This form you consider 'alien' is just the standardized appearance our kind have chosen to use when we descend to this plane. If we let the logic of this dimension interpret us without some guidance, the results would be incomprehensible."

Toma frowns nervously, herself uncomprehending.

"Imagine yourself as a flat square," the Overseer suggests. "I am a sphere."

"Um... sure."

The front door slams, and another Overseer-alien abomination appears at the living room entrance.

"Ituxi!" Toma's captor hisses. It rises from the couch and drags the second alien a few steps away. "This is an unprecedented salvaging operation. There was a dress code."

"Oh, who cares?" the one called Ituxi does an exaggerated eye-roll that is more in the movement of its head and shoulders than its predatory insect eyes. "They're either gonna get reset or annihilated. What are they gonna do about seeing me, remember it?"

"We're dealing with a level of risk never before seen"

"This job is a bore! I'd rather be at home messing around with my vivarium, not cleaning up Xhorog's mess. Let me live." 

Ituxi turns to Toma, as though seeing her for the first time. Toma flinches. "What were the results for this one?"

"She passed."

Ituxi hums. "Well, you already know how I think we should deal with this, regardless. Scorched earth policy."

"You always vote scorched earth policy."

"It's effective! And that's why my vivariums are all intact, and Xhorog, the soft fool, is now responsible for the biggest interdimensional breach in history."

At that moment, two more figures descend the stairs from the second floor of the house. 

"Passed," the third Overseer says simply.

Toma jumps up, a fresh wave of relief and panic rising in her throat like bile. "Keegan!"

None of the Overseers stop her fiancee from running to her side and scooping her up in a desperate hug.

"Well, you know what I"

"Quiet, Ituxi," the third Overseer grunts. "What's the news from outside?"

Ituxi huffs, but drops the theatrics. "Still haven't found the outlaws"a pause to throw a pointed glare at Toma"but they've finished sorting through the surviving townsfolk. A few got, y'know"a pause to mimic an explosion with its hands"but otherwise they're waiting for you and your... verdict. On these two."

Ituxi looks between the two sims. "You know where I stand."

Toma's Overseer turns to the third one. "Suas?"

Suas hesitates.

"The system cleared both of them. That means their traits and their memories are clean. They don't pose any risk for a vivarium."

"It's not just about them," Ituxi interjects. "This one has a blood connection to the ringleader of all this mess. If we don't catch Link, he will try to find them. That means any vivarium you put them in is at risk."

Toma's captor turns pleading. "If you won't value their lives, then at least value Xhorog's work. One of our own. This place was his joy, flawed as it's become. We need to do right by him."

"Ninidash has a point," the one called Suas murmurs.

Ituxi, voice pitching higher in offense, continues to protest. 

As the three aliens converge in their debate, Keegan pulls Toma into another tight hug. Her lips press against Toma's ear.

"We'll have our chance," she speaks in a quick, breathless whisper. "They don't know when your brother is going to attack."

"Neither do we," Toma gasps back, terrified. She clings to Keegan's sweater vest.

"Still, they'll be distracted. We can flag down one of the outlaw ships, escape. Toma." Keegan hugs tighter, as though trying to squeeze Toma's fear from her body. "Remember what he told us, before he left? There's real freedom out there. I know it's scary, but it means we'll keep our memories. We'll be together. There'll be more. The possibilities"

Suas interrupts. "It's decided, then."

"You two are going to regret this," Ituxi hisses.

They file out of the house one by one.

"Nice weather today, isn't it?" Suas hums.

She and Keegan had just moved in. Half had been paid by Keegan's parentsan early wedding gift.

Where are they now? Did they pass their tests, too?

She remembers the coffees she made that morning, still on the countertop. Her brother had crossed her mind when she poured them; a fellow coffee-lover, always bringing back the best whole beans from his hand-wavey business trips. She hadn't been expecting him to return for another week or so.

It's going to make the entire kitchen smell like stale grounds if no one pours it out, she thinks.

Ninidash appears at her side. "Don't worry. We're only wiping your memories and names for security. You'll still be youand you'll be together."

"What will happen to us?" Toma whispers.

"The portal will take you both to a liminal space," Ninidash explains gently. "You'll be prepped there by another team of Overseers and then transferred to a new vivariumpocket dimensiontownwhat have you. It's a bit complicated on our end, scrambling to find space for everyone, butlisten. I'm only telling you this because I know you won't remember it: you'll be put in one of mine. I just started a new one. It's mostly the standard stock, nothing custom, but I'm sure you'll settle in. You'll be able to start freshin every wayin a place that will give you a chance at a normal life. You'll be safe."

Suas nods in approval at Ninidash's little speech; Ituxi remains indignant, but for once doesn't argue.

Faced with the  glow of yet another strange, humming contraption, Toma cannot feel comforted.

Something whirs. It takes everyone a second too long to realize the sound isn't coming from the portal.

There's an otherworldly, machinic shriek overhead.

"What the hell?" Keegan begins.

Then an explosion.

Then a few more.

Everyone scatters, tripping and stumbling and careening over themselves as the entire earth quakes.

Strangely, the aliens seem to be hit harder, perhaps unaccustomed to the damage that can be dealt on an inferior body.

Toma faceplants right into the portal. Several hijacked alien ships swoop overhead, the laser-like sounds of their engines fading into the distance, down the hill, into the rest of the city.

But one stays.

It lowers itself to the pavement, as though waiting.

Toma gazes up at it, terrified. 

Then her head whips toward the portal, and she is covered with a sense of doom.

Then she turns to Keegan.

Even after being thrown to the ground, her beloved remains steadfast as ever.

Unfortunately, when they lock eyes, Keegan only says, "I'll follow you."

She sounds so certain.

It gives Toma the courage to make the most cowardly decision of her life.


Hello and welcome to my latest Sims 3 Random Legacy Challenge! There's been a bit of a revitalization on the forums, so I thought now was as good a time as any to start using these screenshots I've been compiling for the past year or so.

This story takes place in the same "universe" as my other legacy challenges, but isn't directly connected to them. The computer those save files were on is dead and gone, as well as my backlog of screenshots. So, there's no chance of any Wilder-Moons making an appearance. We're starting over once again.

I'm also using this new blog as a chance to vaguely explain the worldbuilding I kept hinting at in previous blogs. All that hinting was done with the intention of slowly building up to a reveal, but since those stories are on indefinite hiatus, I'm taking the easy way out. It was aliens all along. Surprise! And sorry for the lacklustre staging. I tried, but not very hard.

Of course not everything gets explained, but if you have any burning questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

Anyway, thanks for checking this out. Next chapter will find our founder(s?) starting the legacy for real. 

Take it easy. :)